What Do You Keep In Your Blind Bag?

My Blind Bag Dump

The age old question. What’s in your duck hunting blind bag? Well, I bought a new blind bag about two seasons ago, so I would say that it is time to do a review on it, as well as a bag dump. I just might be as surprised as you are to find what I have left in there from last season, but here goes nothing. So, first things first, the bag I decided to go with is a Rig’Em Right Shell Shocker Floating Blind Bag. This bag has everything I was looking for, and then some. This bag has a pocket for everything, including my water bottle, and sunglasses. This bag is tough because it is made with 600 denier PVC fabric, and it has heavy duty zippers that you are able to manipulate with gloves. I highly recommend this blind bag to anyone in the market for one next season. You will not be disappointed with your purchase.

Now, to the fun part. What do I actually keep in my bag for duck hunting? I am first going to start at the top with my gloves. I actually carry two pairs of gloves. First pair I carry is 200 gram Thinsulate Dri-Fowl gloves. I was not able to find the same exact gloves on Cabela’s website, but these are very close. These gloves are amazing, and there is really not much more I can ask from a pair of gloves. However, I do not particularly like to wear gloves when I am hunting because I actually like to feel the gun in my hands, and I feel that it gives me better control over the weapon, but there are some days when they are an absolute necessity. These gloves combined with a hand warmer can make the elements a little less harsh. Now, my second pair of gloves are decoy gloves. If you do not know what decoy gloves are, click the link here. Decoy gloves are long rubber gloves that almost go up to your elbow, and are meant to get wet. I normally use these gloves when putting out, or picking up decoys from the water. I have these gloves because there have been days that I used my insulated gloves to put out decoys in the water, and after they got wet, they froze on me. I was so miserable because my gloves had frozen solid, and wearing them made my hands colder than not wearing them at all. It took a solid couple of hours after the hunt before my hands started to feel like normal. Ever since then, I always have them in the bag. Last bit of clothing I keep in my bag is a camo beanie because sometimes it is just too cold for a hat.

Next, I always carry two headlamp lights. I don’t care who you are, or what you are doing. Always carry two headlamps whenever going out into the field. They are almost invaluable because you will be able to see what you are doing, while being hands free. I always carry two just in case one dies, or a buddy might forget theirs. I even carry one in my vehicle just as a precaution. This leads me to my next utility item which is a Leatherman Multi-Tool. This item has saved my butt so many times fixing gear in the field, and it will save yours too. Trust me when I say that it is worth the money, and I highly recommend carrying one in your bag.

Lastly, the rest of the stuff I carry in my bag is shotgun shells, a game lanyard, and duck calls, but I am going to save those reviews for another time. So let me know your thoughts! What’s in your blind bag? What is one piece of equipment that you can’t go without? Drop a comment down below, and like the blog. Also, please share this with your friends, and family alike. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, and Twitter. As always, stay safe and Hunt Nevada.

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